Thursday, February 01, 2007

October 02, 2004

Resistance is Futile: otherwise known as the shameless please help me get my free ipod post

Ok, so here is the drill. Basically, you go to the site and sign yourself up, you complete one of the available offers, you send other people to the site through YOUR referral link, if 5 people sign up under you and complete an offer you are finished and are then allowed to go on and order your very own Free iPod, or iPod mini. So I already signed up and helped a Most Excellent Blogger get past the referral stage, now I need to amass my small army of 5 to go and do my bidding (Which by the way is signing up using my link I will provide and completing an offer).

So, here is the most important link Isn't that cool, I even went through the trouble of making it open in a new window just for you. No really I mean it. If it helps sweeten the pot I can supply the 5 people that sign up and complete under me with a gmail invite (I happen to have 5 just sitting on my account waiting to be used, how convenient\conspiracy laden)

Ok, lets get down to what I really is at stake here. I am holding the floppy disk Enterprise hostage. You don't believe me? I have proof here check this out. image 1 and image 2... Remember all you have to do to save the mini ship is go to this site and complete an offer, seems fair right?

(Of course it goes without saying any quasi threats towards floppy disk Enterprise were greatly exaggerated, no harm will come to the little ship, we now return you to your normal blog craziness)

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