Monday, March 17, 2008

Vote "The Guild". You'll be glad you did

Just taking a short break from my ridiculous movie marathon to ask, nay ask,asking is more polite. Wait where was I?

Oh yeah, I'm stopping in real quick to ask you to go here and vote for The Guild. Really I could sit here and tell you how original, funny, and all out great the show is. But why would you want me to sit here and make with the yap yap when you could be checking it out for yourself (and then voting of course)

Episode 1

As a matter of fact now that it is post midnight you can go ahead and consider voting for The Guild your present to me. C'mon you can't beat that deal, a few button clicks is certainly cheaper than that creepy sweater you were thinking about picking up for me right? Plus we'll both enjoy this much more.

Of course if you feel you are getting off a little light in the gift department you can always head over to vote for The Guild at The Youtube Awards. All the insentive you really need to vote there can be found in this video

Until next time, that's the news, and I'm outta here!

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